How Internal Ticketing Makes the HR Manager’s Job Easier

AJ Beltis
May 24, 2022
internal ticketing, help desk, HR help desk, IT ticketing, support ticketing, employee help desk

Slack Message: Sam! The printer on the second floor isn’t working. Can you send someone to fix it?

Email: Sam, I was wondering if you knew who to reach out to if we want to add more users on our software account. We have two new hires joining on Monday who will need access. Thanks!

Shoulder Tap: Hey Sam, my booked desk doesn’t have an adaptor for my laptop to the external monitor. Do you know where I can grab one?

HR, People Ops, IT, and Workplace teams juggle requests like these every day. 

From simple one-off requests to reporting serious issues, it can be hard to prioritize tasks and keep them organized. This results in an ongoing backlog of unanswered messages, which isn’t ideal for support teams or those that reached out for help. 

That’s where ticketing software comes in. While commonly used for IT, support, and project management teams, human resources and workplace teams also benefit from ticketing software. Requests come in through one central platform so they can be individually sorted, prioritized, and handled by the right people and in the right way—making HR managers’ jobs exponentially easier and more streamlined.

Related content: How a Workplace Ticketing System Can Streamline Your Office Management

Why do HR and People Operations teams need a ticketing tool? 

HR professionals deal with a myriad of tasks and requests throughout the day. 

Sometimes, these requests are quick fixes, like granting permissions or finding a power cord for a desk. However, they could also involve subjects that require more immediate attention and have long-term implications, like more complicated onboarding requests, handling complaints against a coworker, or approving a salary increase to retain an employee. 

Regardless of the complexity and severity of the request, without one cohesive help desk solution where all requests can be submitted, things can quickly get disorganized and confusing.

The order in which these tasks are addressed are contingent on a combination of factors, including: 

  • Who made the request
  • How long it takes to address the request
  • When the request needs to be done by
  • The severity/sensitivity of the request’s content 

When requests come in from disparate communication channels and lack the context needed to properly prioritize them, it can stall progress for HR team members trying to help employees. 

Gathering information becomes a back-and-forth that could have been provided in the initial ask, which takes up time that could be spent actually addressing the issue (and other reported ones). 

A help desk software solution for all HR and workplace needs alleviates this worry. Instead of one-off chats and emails, employees can submit a ticket where HR and People Operations teams can see everything in one place. 

You can even make it so specific prompts must be filled for the ticket to be submitted, like how pressing it is on a scale of 1-5 or what category of task it falls under (policy, software, complaint, etc.). That way, HR employees know how to organize the ticket as soon as it’s submitted and can add it to the correct workflow. 

Issues get sorted, resourced, and resolved more efficiently—and everyone’s happier as a result. 

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Keep requests in one place

The last thing your HR team wants to do is forget about an employee’s request for assistance. It can quickly create a feeling of being ignored or ostracized at work, which has negative impacts on employees’ professional and personal lives. 

Plus, when employees’ concerns go unanswered, it could also make them feel unappreciated—a sentiment that two-thirds of workers say would cause them to quit. 

HR help desk software provides a solution—a centralized dashboard to track tickets as they are submitted and monitor them as they work towards completion. For example, Eden Workplace’s internal ticketing software allows admins to sort tickets by team, status, location, and more to manage requests better.

Maintain a log of past HR help desk requests

Wouldn’t it be nice to know how frequently someone contacts HR about the kitchen being out of stock of their favorite K-cups, compared to how often people ask questions about healthcare benefits? And, since it's important to keep an eye on how efficiently concerns are being addressed, having a way to monitor this information is valuable.

Once implemented, support ticketing software keeps a backlog of all requests, as well as the data pertaining to their resolution. 

For instance, by tracking average ticket response time, you can see how long it takes to handle requests and monitor the number as your team works to become more efficient. If the number doesn’t improve, you can potentially make the case to your Chief People Officer or HR Director for more people on the HR team, or initiate coaching conversations to help team members improve their resolution times.

The other advantage here is seeing how frequently certain issues are submitted. For example, if you find that 20 percent of all tickets are for onboarding requests, you might decide to create or refine your internal knowledge base on onboarding procedures and resources so employees don’t have to reach out all the time for these types of requests.

This ongoing tracking of which issues arise and how they’ve been resolved creates a list of changes you’ve made to see if your HR metrics continue to move in the right direction. 

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Tickets, please! 

Internal support ticketing is so much more than just a way for an organization to manage requests. It’s a platform to ensure the biggest blockers and hindrances to your employees are heard and addressed swiftly and completely.

And, an internal ticketing tool allows you to streamline your workflow regardless of the physical location of your team—meaning that you can handle requests from employees who work in the office, remotely, or in a hybrid capacity, all in one place. 

By keeping all requests in one place, HR can stay organized and productive when doing their part to make work better for employees. 

In the long run, your ticketing software will highlight noteworthy trends and metrics that can help improve processes, communication, and organizational efficiency. Teams can see what requests or issues are most common in the org, which can lead to new investments to better the employee experience. 

To see how Eden Workplace’s internal ticketing software makes it easy for HR, People Operations, and IT teams to manage an internal help desk book a demo with us to learn more.

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