How To Get Alone Time During The Workday

Even if you love your job, you will occasionally need a break from being in the office. Our work lives are made up of constant communication — Slack messages, emails, meetings, and team lunches. Every now and then, it’s perfectly normal to feel a tad claustrophobic.
But instead of getting mad at your coworkers or letting your emotions pile up until you need to take a vacation day, you should find a strategy to regain your zen. Here are some tips on how to get some alone time during the workday.
Solo Lunch
Grabbing lunch with a coworker is a fantastic way to bond and strike up a friendship. However, if you’re going out with them all the time, this could turn into too much of a good thing. You might be needing a break from workplace gossip and drama or even mundane conversations about feeling overwhelmed. Try going out to lunch by yourself at a secluded, nearby restaurant that isn’t frequented by your colleagues.
Hopefully, your boss allows you to occasionally take an hour off during the day. Schedule a grooming activity at around 2 PM. Get a haircut or get your nails done. Whatever you choose to do, make sure that you aren’t looking at your phone.
Take Care of The Office Pet
More and more, pets are becoming a regular part of workplace life. Though you should always check in with the owner, you should offer to take care of the office pet. Going for a casual walk around the neighborhood with a cute dog can be the perfect excuse to get out of the office. On top of that, you will be making your coworkers’ lives a lot easier.
Find A Chill Zone
Talk to your office manager or HR about setting up a space where you and your colleagues can unwind. Some open-floor offices have been investing in noise-canceling phone-booths. Perhaps, your office can set up a corner space with bean-bags where anyone can take a couple of minutes to relax before jumping right back into their workday.
Window Shopping
Going out for a “shopping break” can quickly spiral into a bad habit. The solution? Gaze at storefront windows and peruse clothes without officially going shopping. You can even come up with a little mental wishlist and treat yourself when the time is right.
Break out of the routine of just going to the gym before or after work. Whether you go to a gym or not, an hour of exercise during the middle of the workday can be fantastic for clearing your head. Look into gyms in your area or try to find a nice park where you can go for a quick jog.
Meditation Apps
Technology doesn’t always have to be stress-inducing. Though you probably do a lot of communication behind a screen, your smartphone could also provide a tiny oasis from your workday.
With apps like Headspace, you can meditate wherever, whenever. Find a quiet part of your office and just take a few minutes to unwind. This could be an ideal solution for those of us who need a bit of guidance to relax.
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